Well it has been a busy week here for us in Neuland. I'm not really sure where the week went to be honest! Here are the highlights. I had a division with Elder Robinson (from Idaho), which was good but he was sick. Elder McEwan and I have been contacting (tracting) a lot recently, and I must say it hasn't been really successful overall, but we have met some very heartfelt people. It is hard when there are really only 2 churches here, and the other one's preacher says to your faces a few of the things he teaches, that are not true. That leads into my interview with President Evans. He asked me about the growth of my testimony of my mission. It was a moment to think deeply. I honestly would say, that my testimony of the truthfulness of the church and our message hasn't really grown as much, it's the testimony of why we need it and the falseness of everything else. For those that don't understand, it's sooooo important that we have a prophet. He is like a lighthouse during a storm on the ocean. If we don't see or take heed of the light, we don't know where to go. We know that we are in the last days and Christ will come. The prophets have said it and still do. The Book of Mormon and Bible testify of it. A couple of the people we talked to really strengthened my testimony of that. Well we had District Conference [ie like a Stake Conference but for the small branches]. As there is no money currently available in the District, the conference was to be broadcasted. Well it was raining, so they didn't have signal in Abundancia so long story short, we didn't watch the conference. There was however some big news! We have a new District President! I won't go into details but we missionaries shouted for joy. The former District Secretary, a man named Juan Gaona, is the new District President. He is going to do so much good for the District and the missionaries! We are hoping to have a good last week of this change. Next week we may have changes, but we never know who stays or goes until then! This week we will be going out to a community about 50 km from here called Yacac-vash that we have been trying to get to for a while, so that's kind of exciting. We also got 4 flat tires this week, that was fun!
That's pretty much all. I hope y'all have a good week!
1 Out of the Neuland kitchen- Puffed oven (German) pancakes.
2 A little house cleaning.
3 Division with Elder Robinson from Blackfoot, Idaho.
4 It rained a little bit here, and I must say biking through mud is kind of fun!
5 Happy Birthday Elder McEwan! He got a package that Pte Evans brought up.
6 President Evans also brought me a package! Hahaha
7 That point where you-re so wet but so happy you don't even care.
8 Through rain, snow sleet or hail....... well I guess just rain here but we don't get stopped by anything!
9 Should I start sending weekly pics of new brown widows we find in the house (Question mark) There are so many!
10 We had a lesson with Fm Ortiz, which may have been the last time I'll see the dad (Brigido) because of his work. I have seen a huge change in his life and character by his conversion!
11 Starting new trends as usual!
12 Yes that is our assigned area in the mission. Not many people get to say they served ther mission in "Unknown territory!"
13 When you realize the rain isn't going to stop you just go back out and work.
14 same as 13
15 It was only around 5 or 6 inches deep.
16 Contacting the German side of town but... WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? hahaha
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