We had an interesting week! Well, it's the holidays so it was a little different than normal, but it was a good week as usual. Monday we skyped home, then found out that the buses weren't running (after having called the bus company and they told us"no changes in the bus schedule." We were able to get a ride halfway, to Filadelfia, but then even though the guy then told us there would be a colectivo on Tuesday from Filadelfia to Neuland, there wasn't one, and there were no people on the streets. Also, nobody worked, so all the stores were closed. Then on Wednesday, the colectivo that the company said left at 11:30, left around 11:15. We were able to finally get home Wednesday night. We also had an open house activity in Abundancia, so we had to take a night colectivo on Friday to be there Saturday for the activity (all the missionaries here in the Chaco always help with everything because there's nobody else to do it). Nobody came, except for us and the sisters who were making a lot of bread and sausage for the activity--despite being announced on the Chaco-wide radio--so we basically went for nothing, but the activity will get rescheduled for another week. We did have food prepped for a looooooooooooooooot of people, to eat among the missionaries. We were able to get back to Neuland for church, which went well. Nicacio, our recent convert, gave a talk! He spoke on obedience and really did a fantastic job. Someone then went around saying that there wasn't going to be a New Year's activity and honestly we've been trying to get the Branch President to do something about that for a while, and, well, we did have an activity, and it went really really well. We showed up early to show the Branch President a few things on the computer, and it turns out that a lot of members started showing up at that same hour, so we decided to show him later and just sing hymns, because they all love singing here. We sang for about 45 minutes, then started the activity. The Branch President explained the situation of how the branch is going right now, as there isn't enough communication and not very many people go. We then watched 17 Miracles and shared how the problems that we all have aren't near as bad as what the pioneers suffered. Maybe there isn't a lot of money to eat, maybe we have to work long hours, maybe we have family problems, but as we are taught in Alma 7:11-13, Christ understands us. It was awesome and all the members loved the movie, singing, and are learning so much! That's basically our week! We miiiiiight be able to have a baptism this week, so stay tuned! Elder Ruiz and I are prepping for an even better week this week! I hope y'all have a good week!
PS Changes are this week; we'll see if I stay or go!
1 That's our tap water.
2 Elder Ruiz caught a mosquito.
3 With our investigator Heinz Braun.
4 The colectivo didn't stop at Abundancia where we wanted it to, so we had to walk 4 or 5 km.The stars are really bright there!
5 Ready for our open house presentation on baptism... that never happened hahaha but it was really pretty cool.
6 The open house crew.
7 Sugar cookies for the branch activity that Elder Ruiz and I made.
8 I got thirsty!
9 We found a possum in the church.
10 It's been hot this week! Also it rained so it's been humid! Even so, it's a lot of fun!
That's all from me; have a good week!
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