Well as usual the week sped by! We had a very good week here in Bella Vista! Here are some of the highlights:
1. We had a Baptism! Over the last change we worked on reactivating the Fm. Chamorro Diaz, and their son Ramses got baptized! It was super special because Elder Alvarado had his first baptism, and he got to baptize Ramses! Ramses had a good number of family members attend his baptism, and I got to conduct. (Somehow I always end up conducting meetings.)
2. I had a division with Elder Morris! He's from Utah and has about 7 months in the mission. Always good to get to know new people!
3. That division was on the 4th of July, and we (along with Elder Alvarado and Elder Torres) sang all three verses of the National Anthem and said the Pledge of Allegiance!
4. I had a division with Elder McEwan; we were companions in Neuland! He did the baptismal interview for Ramses, then we proceeded to set 6 new baptismal dates!
5. It rained a few times but we just used that as an opportunity to receive blessings and go out and work.
6. It's still kind of weird to think that I'm training, but it's very rewarding, and we just treat each other as equals anyways.
To sum it all up, we're just working up a storm here in Bella Vista, especially really just working with members, focusing on receiving references and putting baptismal dates with them instead of focusing on contacting and numbers of new investigators. The shift of the focus of our mission is changing here, to use our time more effectively, which basically means, it's just a lot more fun and rewarding. All in all it was a good week, and just a lot of work and a lot of fun getting it done.
I also really had the song 'Carry On' (Hymn #255 in English) hit me this week, as really it's so important. In life, we can't just SOMETIMES be good people and follow God and go to church and serve others, we need to ALWAY press forward and really always do our best to be good people and come closer to God!
Thanks for all the emails and prayers! It's always the best getting on the computer on Mondays and seeing your emails! I hope y'all have a great week (especially Steve for his Birthday last week!)
1 The family tie.
2 Shout out to an Elder Wilkinson for starting the tie! Don't worry; I don't actually wear it.
3 10 years later, I am the owner of this bad boy!
4 "Thank you Saint Expedito for favors received."
5 Ramses's baptism!
6 With his family too! Thumbs up!
7 The water was cold but the spirit was strong!
That's all folks! Have a good week!
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