Its been some fun times here in Yby yau. Last Monday after writing y'all, I went and visited a couple people with the other American in my zone, Elder Entze. We stayed the night with him and his companion, Elder Salazar from Peru. Tuesday we had our meeting, and then we wanted to get Elder Castro's bike fron the bike shop, but they didn`t have it ready so we had to go back in the night. We had another division, and I worked with Elder Salazar for the day. The bike guy ended up not starting the repairs, so we had to stay another day. Wednesday in the morning we got to go home finally. Friday we had a division, and I went with Elder Villacresses in Pedro Juan. His area there is pretty cool. It`s really big, and they have a prison that we passed by that has a wall blown up. We had a pretty successful day, with about 8 lessons or so, and it was great to be with Elder Villacresses. He is a good teacher, and I learned a lot. Saturday we filled up the baptismal font, which took all day, and the water only got up to knee height. It`s a miracle because there isn`t water here. It rained all week and somehow there hasn`t been water all week. Sunday really early we had the baptism of Sandri, a 12 year old girl who lives with her Aunt and Uncle who are members. After her baptism, we had church. Of the 30 people who came to church, 10 were investigators. We are hoping to get a lot done here soon! Today for Pday we hiked and climbed Cerro Memby. It is one of the scariest things I have ever done, it`s basically climbing straight up a big rock. We all survived and it was a lot of fun. I hope you all have a good week!
1 Making chipa last week
2 The oven
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3 My chipa
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4 The oven with chipa inside
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5 Prepping some mate dulce, a drink with milk and coconut
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5 Prepping some mate dulce, a drink with milk and coconut
6 Putting the chipa in the oven
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7 The finished chipa!
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8 Drinking mate dulce with Elder Castro
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9 with the zone leaders
9 with the zone leaders
10 Hna Bogado, who let us make chipa with her
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11 with Elder Albornoz from Bolivia
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12 This is what empanadas look like
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13 Elder Castro, E Ollero, random Assistant to President from Brazil, E Torres, other A.P. from Brazil, me, Elder Entze and Elder Salazar
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13 Elder Castro, E Ollero, random Assistant to President from Brazil, E Torres, other A.P. from Brazil, me, Elder Entze and Elder Salazar
14 The juice here is a lot better than in the United States
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15 I wouldn`t advise driving your smart car down this road in Pedro Juan Caballero
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16 Elder Villacresses was a little tired in the colectivo after our division
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17 HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! (for Sandris baptism)
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17 HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! (for Sandris baptism)
18 Saying goodbye to Hermano Paiva. He is moving
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19 Baptism!
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20 Same!
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21 When I say there is a shortage of water in Yby yau right now, I mean it. Their knees are where is the water
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21 When I say there is a shortage of water in Yby yau right now, I mean it. Their knees are where is the water
22 We found a cool statue
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23 The main event for Pday
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25 Cerro Memby
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25 Cerro Memby
26 same
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27 same
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28 nice views from the side
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The pictures from here on are all going to be from Cerro Memby
The pictures from here on are all going to be from Cerro Memby
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