It's been a busy week! Monday after Pday, I had a division in Pedro Juan with Elder Torres again. Tuesday we had district meeting, then I went to Romero Cue again with Elder Albornoz. That night we went to Yby Yau on a late colectivo. The colectivo was late, so we got in at 12 or so. The next day I had a division with the other Zone leader, Eldr Passos. They came to help us in our area since we spend half the week helping other areas. Elder Passos is from Brazil, and there's a colony of Brazilians that lives just 9 km away from us, so we decided to go out there. It turns out they speak more Spanish than the Paraguayans here hahaha! We're going to try going out there one day a week now. Thursday we had a full day to work in our area. Friday we had interviews with President Evans, and Airton, one of the young men that spends all his time helping us, had his mission interview. He had one thing on his papers missing, but other than that he's good to go! During his interview, we asked Hermana Evans for a cleaning inspection. We got the full 5 stars once again! She told us that at the moment, we have the only 5 star house in the mission. I'm assuming she hasn't inspected all of the houses yet. After the inspection, we had our interviews then crammed into the back of their car with the assistants to go to Pedro Juan Caballero. We got dropped off around 7 pm at a district (stake) activity, a talent show. The moment we walked in the coordinator was pleading for acts. I gave the opening prayer, and we gave in and sang I Know That My Redeemer Lives with the Rama 1 sister missionaries and the sister training leaders.. One of the Hermanas sang the first verse in Portuguese, then I sang the second in English, then we all sang the fourth. A couple other people that didn't have their whole group asked for our help, but 9 pm rolled around so we got out of there. Saturday we had a zone conference about the Abrahamic Covenant and eternal marriage. We learned a ton about just how important our calling as missionaries is, and the importance of marriage. It was really useful though, because we have a pair of investigators right now that want to get baptized and married, but they are having a lot of problems between them. We learned about how its important to have patience, patience, and more patience, and even thinking about breaking up or divorce will RUIN the lives of the children. We were able to use some of the new insight while teaching our investigators, Luis and Fabiani, last night. Blessings always come after the trial of our faith. Sometimes with family, friends, or spouse we feel like we don't know what to do, that they don't care, or that they aren't the one for us after all, but that's all wrong. Satan is always there to twist things, and the fact that we're here on earth helps him. Please always remember that even though we have problems and all that now, there will be a time in the future when we will all be happy and we can be in the presence of God. There's no reason to be scared of death either, because we'll just be with God after this life. Anyways on with the week. After the conference we took a colectivo home. Yesterday, We were late to church because we went by an investigators house to walk with her to church. We got to Priesthood meeting and the branch president was teaching, So I thought to my self, yay I don't have to teach today! And then he promptly sat down and asked me to pick up where he left off. Oh well hahaha, I am used to teaching in church, since I have to teach for 2 hours. Elder Castro does get nailed almost every week to give a talk, and he co-teaches with me during Sunday school. The attendance was way higher than last week; we had 29 people come this week! We figured out that if we call the members the night before, they're more likely to come to church. Today we are in Pedro Juan for Pday, since we aren't allowed to use the computer in the church anymore. With that being said, to be able to send pictures, I need a converter piece or to borrow one from someone else, because the computers here are out of date, so I might be able to send a picture or 2 if I can get the converter from another missionary.
I want to share my testimony this week on the power of the priesthood. There is a family of less actives that we visit a lot, that all in all they have about 20 people that are members of the family. A lot of them were sick this week and last week, and we gave some of them blessings. They told us that directly after we gave them the blessings, they were healed. That's honestly something that we can't possibly fake, because we don't even know exactly what they have going on, but the Lord does. He knows each one of us by name, with our specific differences and problems. He is always there for us, we just need to turn to him! I hope y'all have a good week, and thanks for all the pictures! I love you all!
1 With future Elder Villalba
2 Walking up on stage to sing during the talent show
3 Digging a well
Sorry my hour ran out! Have a good week!